In May 2011, FMC Corporation completed a Draft Corrective Measures Study (CMS) Report for the Suspected Air Deposition and Culvert 105 Study Areas, which identifies and evaluates corrective measures alternatives.

The Draft CMS Report identifies FMC’s recommended alternative and was available for public review and comment from May 17 through July 1, 2011.

The Agencies (United States Environmental Protection Agency, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and New York State Department of Health) issued their responses to public comments on the draft report and their preliminary selection of the remedial actions(corrective measures) in the form of a “Draft Statement of Basis” in June 2012.

The Agencies’ Draft Statement of Basis was available for public review and comments from June 15 through August 13, 2012.

FMC submitted a draft CMS Work Plan for the Tributary One and Flood Plain South of Pearson/Stone Roads study area and is awaiting comments from the Agencies.